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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 4, 1792

Remarks Saturday 4th February 1792 Towards Van [Diemans Land]

 1 pm: Hard Gale and Squalls of Rain & thick Weather

 3 pm: Set the Fore Sail

 4 pm: More Moderate. - Set the Main Top Sail

 5 pm: Cloudy Weather and fair Intervals

 8 pm: Fresh Gale and Cloudy Weather

10 pm: Fair Weather

 4 am: Squally with small Rain

 5 am: Fair Weather Out 4th. Reefs.—

 8 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast Krout and Sweet Wort as yesterday. —

 9 am: Washed below and dried with Fires — Up Top Gallant yards — Dried all Wet things. —

12 noon: Fresh Gale and Fair Weather. Albetrosses Sheerwaters and Mother Careys Chicken about. — and a few bunches large Rock Weed. —
 A Continuance of a great Sea from the WSW
 Assistant in Company but cannot keep way with us. —

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