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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Feb 2, 1792

Remarks Thursday 2nd February 1792 Towards Van [Diemans Land]

 1 pm: Weather Moderating out 4 Reefs

 3 pm: Out 3rd and 2nd Reefs and up Top Gallant Yards

 4 pm: Out all Reefs & set fore Topmast Steering Sail

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Ship and Worked the pumps as usual. —

 8 pm: In 1st. Reefs

10 pm: Moderate and Cloudy Weather with a few Squalls of light Rain. —

 4 am: Set Top Gallant and Lower Steering Sails

 8 am: Fair Weather - much Swell from the WSW and Ship rolling deep. —

10 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for breakfast Washed & Cleaned below and dried with Fires. — Served Krout as usual and a pint of Sweet Wort at ½ past 10. —

12 noon: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather. Hailed the Assistant and found all well. — Sent a little fresh Meat to them by a line

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