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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 27, 1791

Remarks Saturday 27 August 1791

 1 pm: Very Hazy Weather and light Breezes all Sails set

 5 pm: Exceedingly hazy, so that the Sun was not to be seen but as through a Fog

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Night

 8 am: Fair Weather and very Hazy

 9 am: Saw the Pic of Teneriffe bearing SW

11 am: Saw the East part of Teneriffe South. Hauled up to go round it.

12 pm: Fine Weather but very hazy so that the Land can only be imperfectly seen. The Pic bore SW¾W and the East End of the Island S¼ about 6 Leagues


When the land was first seen it appeared high in the Clouds above our heads. It was only at times we could see the Pic, it was covered as well as all the Country, with such a prodigious thick Haze. This remarkable Mountain bears from St. Cruz Road WSW, the situation of a Ship with respect to that place is therefore known as soon as it can be seen.

At Noon by my Latitude and the bearings of the East part of the Island, I found I was on a Meridian with St. Francis's Church in St. Cruz. Its Longitude by my Time Keeper was consequently equal to the Longitude as reduced to Noon.

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