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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 28, 1791

Remarks Sunday 28th August 1791

 1 pm: Fine Weather but exceedingly Hazy.

 4 pm: East End of Teneriffe SWbW½W about 5 or 6 Miles

 5 pm: Strong Breezes. Hauled in for St. Cruz Road Lost the Wind as soon as we got within the Eastermost Head.

 7 pm: Stood to Sea again for the Night. The Town of St. Cruz bore West about 5 Miles and the East point of the Road NE 2 Miles.

10 pm: Fresh Gales in 2nd Reefs

12 am: Tacked.

 4 am: East part of Teneriffe NNW about 3 Leagues
At day dawn stood in for the Road.

 6 am: Out Boats and towed.

 7 am: St. Francis's Church West 3 Miles.

 8 am: At ½ past 9 came to in 35 fathoms with the Small Bower. Moored open Hawse to Sea Best Bower in 47 fathoms. East point of the Road EbN St. Francis's Church West 1 Mile & Castle point SWbW. The Peak WbS½S Assistant in Company

12 pm: Calm and very Hot Weather. Sent an Officer to Wait on the Governer.
Came on Board the Inspector of the Port as usual to enquire what Ship we were.
Several Spanish Vessels lying at anchor


The Strength of the Wind towards Evening induced me to try to gain anchorage, but I had no sooner got within the East point of the Road, than the High Land becalmed us, except at times, when light flows of Wind came of[f] the land heated as if they had passed through a furnace of Fire.

I spent the Night under Sail at Sea, and in the Morning steered again in for the Road, we were however attened with the same Calms, but by help of our Boats we towed to an Anchor, and warped and Moored.

As usual a Boat came on board with an Officer to enquire what Ships we were, and the State of our health. I sent an Officer to wait on the Governor. He was absent to some other Islands, & the Commandant neither received or returned any Salute.

The Longitudes by Time Keepers, are reduced up to St. Francis's Church, and agree nearly as Yesterday.

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