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Revised Aug 26 2021

Providence Logbook Aug 26, 1791

Remarks Friday 26 August 1791

 1 pm: Very Hazy Weather. All Sails set

 2 pm: Opened Cask of Beef No. 1397 Contents 66 Eight pound peices

 8 pm: Spoke the Redbridge a Whale Fisher from Southampton John Kelly Master Sailed the 10th Instant himself unwell

 8 am: Exceeding hazy Weather. Sent the Surgeon on board the Redbridge to prescribe for the Master

10 am: Employed cleaning Ship & Cloaths, fitting awnings

11 am: Exercised Small Arms and fired.

12 pm: Very hazy & Light Winds Royals & all Sails set

Assistant in Company and the Redbridge pursuing their Course to the Southward. Their Longitude at Noon Yesterday was 17..30 W