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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Jul 30-31, 1789

Remarks at Coupang Thursday 30th. & Friday 31st. July 1789

Light Winds NWly. and Fair Wr. with Eastly Winds at night.

Employed about the Vessel. Three men in the Sick list with intermitting Fevers.

About a dozen China Vessels have sailed out of the River this week and are gone to Trade for Sandle Wood and Wax.

The Mango Trees are now in blossom and some of the Jambolang, and the Bushes in general indicate the advance of Spring. All these circumstances recalls to me the loss of Mr. Nelson and the object of my Voyage, which at times almost bear me down, but for the impropriety to let so much weakness get the better of me.

I have forgot to mention a Fruit that is called Namnam. It is fit for any of the uses we put the Apples to, such as Pyes &ca. and has a large seed that Vegetates very quickly as does the seed of the Nanka. It is a flat semicircular Fruit about 3 Inches long.