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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Jul 24-28, 1789

Remarks at Coupang. Friday 24th to Tuesday 28th July 1789

Very Fresh Gales Easterly and fair Wr. People in general are troubled with colds and say these strong Winds are very unhealthy. It is therefore not surprizing that I have Still two Invalids.

Jul 25, 1789

Carpenters Employed about the Vessel, but such bad workmen that it goes very slowly on. On the 25th. I finished my observations on the Tides. At full and change it is high water 11 oClock in the forenoon and the rise of the Tide is 8 feet 8 Inches, but on the height of the Springs it rises about 9 feet 6 Inches and it is high water then at ¾ past noon or one oClock according to the Winds.

I saw a Luces natura [albino] to day. A Malay woman who had white Hair, Eye brows and Eye lashes, was exceedingly near Sighted and her Skin white, but very rough and much freckled. Her Eyes were Grey.

On Sunday performed Divine Service.

We Continue bathing every morning in the River at a place of the Governors called Montassy which has restored the most of us to our usual Strength but my Sick list is now encreased by a third person and all of them unremitting Fevers.

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