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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Jun 16, 1789

Remarks in Coupang Tuesday 16th June 1789.

Fine Wr. with light Winds at night and strong Winds SEly. in the day.

Gripings and Vomiting were the complaints among us at this time. Myself became attacked with a Fever and could keep nothing on my Stomach, every thing was thought of by Mr. Van Este and Mr. Wanjon that could be of any Service, and the Doctor Mr. Max and his Second attended us with vast kindness and attention. I found great releif from keeping my Legs in warm water about an half hour every Evening. Those who were able were Ordered to bath every morning before Sun rise in a fine Fresh water River, and to every one gentle exercise was recommended in the cool of the day, and I therefore ordered every one to attend at the Doctors at his time of business at the Hospital.