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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Jun 15, 1789

The following Diary will be kept according to Civil Account beginning the Day at Midnight

Remarks at Coupang in Timor Monday 15th. June 1789

Fair Wr. with light land Winds at night and strong sea Breezes from ESE and SE from 9 in the morning to 3 in the afternoon.

Altho the night was passed happily different from any we had at Sea, yet we found ourselves very little refreshed, a circumstance which often happens to People when extremely fatigued, but to this perhaps we may attribute the Sleeping without Beds as an additional cause. The few People that are here have only Pads for themselves, I therefore only got a neat Bedstead with two Quilts for a mattrass and a Counterpain from the Governor, whose goodness I am sure would have done more for my Sore bones, if Beds were to be had. The Officers and Men were mostly obliged to make Guard Beds with what came with us which however I might not expect, was thought of no moment among the People here.

As I went through some fatigue yesterday in arranging matters for the Comfort and reception of those who were with me, it was now producing some ill effects which it was necessary to guard against, a Slight Fever however with Severe head ach were the most alarming Symptoms. Every one complained of a want of evacuation by Stool. Tenesmus became extreme and the excruciating torture from not being able to void the feces perhaps was more than ever experienced in the world. Vast weakness succeeded this with Gripings and cholick complaints, besides swelled legs and irritated sores that we got at Tofoa so that not a person but what was under the Doctors Care. This Gentleman recommended as the best Physician to eat moderately and abstain from fruit untill the Stomach had acquired its usual tone, but some already had begun to completely satisfy their appetite which produced very severe cholick complaints or rather uncommon pains in the Bowels.

At Noon a very plentifulll and good Dinner was sent to the House, and as I was confined by a severe indisposition every thing was thought of that could be of service to me.

I find the Europeans of this Place are.

Willem Adriaan Van Este .. Koopman & Opperhooft. Governor
Timotheus Wanjon ......... Secunde.
          Fruy ........... Secretary.
          Max ............ Surgeon.
          Temmireck ...... Minister
          Gans ........... Ensign. and 36 Soldiers
          Van Ess ........ Merchant.
          A Surgeons Mate
          A few others of little note.

The rest of the inhabitants are Malays and Chinese.

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