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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Apr 3, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Friday 3d. April 1789.

The first part fresh Gales and Cloudy Wr. the middle and latter part calms and Light Airs with very Gloomy Wr and severe Thunder and Lightning and some showers of Rain. Fresh Breezes at Noon. Wind at NE & ENE. Therr. 81 to 83¼.

The Weather was too unfavorable to venture to go to sea. I therefore determined to wait the event of another day.

The Natives were numerous and brought off Cocoa nutts &ca. as yesterday. I gave my last present which consisted of a large assortment of Toeys, Hatchets &ca. to our friend Odiddee. This man has been greatly attached to us, and is a very worthy good creature anxious to go to England, and considers it as his right because he was at Sea with Captain Cook. His Native place is Ulietea where he has some property, but he is here under the Auspices of Tynah and Teppahooo, his wife is Tynahs Aunt & Teppahoos Wifes sister, so that Teppahoo is Brother in Law to Otow, and Tynahs uncle by marriage.

Tynah and his Wife remained most of the day with me. A few Baskets of Tarro have been brought to me for Sea Store, but the ground provisions are not yet fit to be taken up.

No mirth or dances on the Beach as usual in the Evenings. All sorrow at our departure.