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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 30 2021

Bounty Logbook Apr 2, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Thursday 2nd. April 1789

The first and latter fresh Breezes and squally with Rain, the middle Light Breezes with showers in squalls. Much Lightning and Thunder. Wind ENE Varial. ENE. Thermr. 81° to 83¼°.

PM all ready for Sea. AM Dryed Sails. Sick List 2 Venereals. Many Natives on board and plentifull supplies.

 F In
Ships draught of Water Foreward12"7
by the head "4

At dawn of day we were ready to go out, but a fresh of Wind blowing in from the ENE just as the sun got up and the weather looking Cloudy, I thought it not adviseable to attempt it.

I am now crouded from morning untill night, and loaded with Cocoanutts, Plantains, Breadfruit and Hogs. Tynah with his wife Iddeeah, Brothers, Sister and Mother remained on board all night. They all dined with me and received their last presents except Tynah who will take his with him at our parting. It is among their signal marks of attachment, having a desire to spend their whole time on board, the ship therefore would be crouded in the night as well as in the day if I would allow it. That this partiality to our Ships may ever be the Case; I have as far as it has been in my power rewarded all classes of People both Men Women & Children and I may pronounce that whatever ship comes after me, will if they conciliate the Affections of these People receive the same kind treatment.

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