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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Mar 16, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Monday 16th March 1789

Light Winds and Cloudy Wr. Wind NEly. Thermr. 80¾° to 81½°. In the morning began to Caulk the Starboard Side. Completed watering. Hands employed about the fore rigging. Armourer at the Forge, and Sailmakers making Covering for the Plants that are to be stowed on the Quarter Deck.

I had a Visit to day from a fine old Cheif called Opa,igh a near relation to the old Warrior Tetowah of Attahooroo. He told me he had never been on board of a Ship before and had come on purpose to see me. The handle of his Fly flap was a Rib of one of our young Bullocks. Nine of them he assured me were now alive at Morea, I hope therefore there will be a fine breed in that Island. The Pair I have at Matavai are doing well, and the Cow certainly with Calf. Tynah paid great attention to this old Cheif and to secure his friendship as far as it laid in my Power, I gave him a Valuable present. Of all the eatables we have they like nothing so much as loaf Sugar it is on that account added as a part of every present to the superior people. As they have plenty of Sugar cane I endeavored to show them the use of it, but I could only reduce it to a thick syrup and on that account they set no value on it. I have done all in my power to make them value the Cotton which grows here in great quantities, but all to no effect. If they could but manufacture Iron and build Vessels like our large Boats, it would be all they wish for, and I doubt then if the trouble it would take did not induce them to keep on their Cannoes.


Having some intervals of clear Sun I was employed endeavouring to make observations to establish the Rate of my Time Keeper but all to no effect. We see nothing of the Comet which is expected, I have described it to the cheifs and they say they have seen such things, but are exceedingly surprised that we have knowledge when they will appear.

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