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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 29 2021

Bounty Logbook Jan 18, 1789


Remarks in Toahroah Harbour Sunday 18th. January 1789

Fresh Breezes and fair Wr. with some showers of Rain and Calm in the middle part. Wind at ENE, SSE, and WSW. Thermr. 81° to 83°.

Two Liberty Men on shore every Day as usual. Sick List six Venereals.

My negotiations to get the Bull from Itteeah which has given me much concern and trouble appears to be now agreeably drawing to a conclusion. I received a message to day from Poeeno, who has undertaken the business, that according to my request he had been at Itteeah and had bargained for the Bull, and that the agreement was finally settled, and he in possession of the Beast at a small distance from Itteeah called Hee,oowow, and that as the Coast there prevented him from bringing the Animal farther by land, he desired I would send the Boat there for him as we had before agreed. Tynah corroborated the message, and I therefore ordered the Launch to be got ready and directed Mr. Fryer the Master to go in the morning with Tynah to show him the place.

I have now completed a place abaft on the Quarter Deck to hold 75 Pots of the Plants, so that I have convenience for the whole number 774 besides these I have made Boxes and Tubs for the path ways in the Cabbin, and have begun another apartment on the larboard Side of the Quarter Deck to contain Plants in Tubs 13 of which are already filled.

I can hear nothing farther concerning my Deserters but Tynah assures me they will soon be brought back.

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