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Fateful Voyage

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Revised Jun 28 2021

Bounty Logbook Jan 10, 1788


Week DaysMo DayWindsRemarks In St. Cruz Road Tenariff
Thursday10NEBN Modt. Breezes and fair Wr. the first and latter part the middle Variable Winds and Calm with drizling Rain.
CalmAt 1 PM came in and Anchored here the Sloop Chance of London, William Meredith Master, out 19 days from the Downs, and bound to Barbadoes, but having suffered much from the heavy Gales we had also met with, they came here to refit and get some Supplies.
N'lyThis Afternoon we Completed all our Work and having received on board 230 lbs. (Spanish) of Fresh Beef with some Pumpkins & Potatoes which was all the Fresh Supplies I could get.
ENEWe unmoored in the Morning, and Sailed with a fresh Breeze about One O'Clock. Found the Bt Bower Cable rubbed 10 fms. from the Anchor.
At 20h 14′ Apparent Time Long. by T. Keeper I found 16°..16′..15″W.
ESEThermr at Noon in the Air 66°.

From the daily Observations made here by the Time Keeper the Longitude of this Road is as follows.

1 Allowing St. Francis Church
16..17.48 West Longd of Do.
28..28.00 N Latitude of Do.

On the 9th as I could not attend to making Observations, I Ordered Mr. Fryer the Master to take them, which by two Compasses from a Mean of 4 Sights each Way, the Variation was given as follows.

A Compass  20°01′West
 Do. Turned  21..19
B Compass  19..41
 Do. Turned  19..05
Mean  20..01 West

This Variation exceeds my Idea of what it should be here; but two days before I came in the Varian also was above 22° as yet therefore I cannot discover if my Compasses are Affected. In Aug. 1776 I made the Varn 14°40′W. with Captn Cook in the Resolution.

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