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Revised 2010-05-30

Bounty Logbook Jan 7-9, 1788


Week DaysMo DayWindsRemarks In St. Cruz Tenariff
1788 Jany
Monday7NEBEThe first part of these 24 Hours Moderate Breezes & fair the Middle was a little Squally attended with some small Rain and the latter part light Airs and Cloudy with Intervals of Fair Wr.
NNEBegun to set the Rigging up and the Carpenters I set to Work to repair our damages done in the bad Weather the rest of the People were employed in the Hold.
NEAt 1h. 40′ appt Time the Longd by TK I found to be 16°16′30″W. At 20h. 12′ Appt Time 16°18′00″W.
Thermr at Noon 67½° in Air.
Tuesday8NEThe first and latter part Moderate Breezes and fair Weather with Variable airs in the Night and Small drizling Rain.
NNEEmployed completing the Work of the Rigging, and the Carpenters repairing the Stern, sent the Empty Water Casks for Water to be filled by the People on Shore, as I thought in improper to risk my own Boats for fear of Accident from the Surf, and in the Morning I sent on board Eight hundred & Sixty three Gallons and a half of Wine from Collogan & Sons Contractors.
NEBNThe Surf being so very high four Puncheons were Stove to peices & lost.
At 20h. 43′ Apparent Time I found the Longd by T. Keeper 16°17′West.
The Thermr in the Air at Noon 69°.

The first and latter part Moderate Breezes and fair Wr, the Middle Squally and small drizling Rain with Calms and Variable Winds. Employed this day principally in the Hold Stowing Casks & receiving Water from the Shore, Carpenters repairing the Boats and getting all ready for Sea. Received a Spar for a Topsail Yard.
At 22h. 2′ Appt Time I found the Longd by T. Keeper 16°16′15″West.
Thermr at Noon in the Air 67°.
NEBNI have not been able to get any Observations as yet for the Variation of the Compass.

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