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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 111
Nessy Heywood & Aaron Graham to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 111. Miss N. Heywood & Mr. Graham to Mrs. Heywood.

Great Russel Street Friday 26th Octr 4 oClock 1792

Oh! blessed Hour! — little did I think my beloved Friends when I closed my Letter this Morning, that before Night I shou'd be out of my senses with Joy! — this Moment — this extatic Moment brought the enclosed* — I cannot speak my Happiness — let it be sufficient to say that in a very few Hours our Angel Peter will be free! — Mr. Graham goes this Night to Portsmouth & tomorrow or next Day at farthest I shall be — Oh! Heavens! — what shall I be — I am already transported even to Pain — then how shall I bear to clasp him to the Bosom of your happy – Oh! how very happy!

& affectionate

  Nessy Heywood

I am too mad to write sense — but 'tis a Pleasure I wou'd not forego to be the most reasonable Being on Earth.

* Information that the Pardon was gone down to Portsmouth

I asked Mr. Graham who is at my Elbow if he wou'd say any thing to you ——— "Lord" said he — "I can't say any thing." — He is almost as mad as myself (Mr. G writes) I have however my senses sufficiently about me not to suffer this to go without begging Leave to congratulate you upon, & to assure you that I most sincerely sympathize & participate in the Happiness which I am sure the enclosed will convey to the Mother & Sister's of my charming & beloved Nessy — If it be necessary I can safely add that I am & ever shall remain with the greatest regard

my dear Madam

  your most faithful

    hbl Serv't.

      A: Graham

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