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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 110
Nessy Heywood to Peter Heywood

No. 110. Miss N. Heywood to Mr. P. Heywood

Great Russel Street – 24th Oct'r. 1792

This Moment my dear Brother I have your's of Yesterday — Ah! my Love — too sure I am that your strength is, & must be impaired — nor can I sufficiently express my Astonishment & Gratitude to the supreme Being that is not after so many & cruel Hardships in a much worse state — tho' I fear you are weaker than you tell me — a few Days however my Peter — & let me hope I shall have the delightful Task of personally contributing to its perfect restoration. — I have at present an Invalid under my Care in my dear Maria Graham who is in a bad state of Health from a long continued Cough — I am endeavouring to get her well as soon as possible that we may recieve you with Health & Good Humour — she desires me to remember her to you as a sister. — Mr. Graham had a Letter from Mr. *Fryer Yesterday expressing the greatest Anxiety to hear of your release — indeed he has been very friendly & I shall ever feel myself grateful for his Kindness. — He had also a Letter from Cap'tn. Bertie who writes in the highest Terms of you & all that worthy Family are impatient for the happy Conclusion which we have now

* late Master of the Bounty

the utmost right to expect with certainty. —

Adieu my ever dearest Brother — Mr. Graham joins me in sincere Affection — May Heaven preserve you in safety till Liberty is again your's & perfect Happiness in consequence of it the Lot of your most fond

& everlastingly affec't. sister

    Nessy Heywood

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