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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 112
Nessy Heywood to Francis Const

No. 112. Miss N. Heywood to F's. Const Esq'r.

My dear Sir

I shou'd think myself ill deserving of the kind Attention you have paid to the Interest of my beloved Brother Peter if I omitted a Moment to inform you that I am now very near indeed to the Completion of my Wishes with respect to his Fate. — Mr. Graham has this Morning recieved a Letter assuring him that my dear Brother's Pardon went down to Portsmouth by a Messenger from the Admiralty Office this Morning! — I flatter myself you will partake the Joy which notwithstanding it is so excessive at this Moment as almost to deprive me of my Faculties, leaves me however sufficiently collected to assure you of the eternal Gratitude & Esteem with which I am dear Sir

your most obliged

  & very hbl Serv't.

    Nessy Heywood.

Great Russel Street Friday 4 o Clock

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