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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 107
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Nessy Heywood

No. 107. Comm'r. Pasley to Miss N. Heywood.

Sheerness — 21st Octr 1792

No News — Nothing more transpired? my dearest Nessy — I expected — but why expect — there are nothing but Disappointments in this World — tho' you hold the Pen of a ready Writer — it is no reason why you shou'd weild it — I might have suffered Perils by Land, & Perils by Sea, & been incapable of announcing my Arrival. — The Truth is, it was long after Post-time when I got to Sheerness on Friday — Saturday we have none — & this Day I expected to have reaped the Benefit of your scribbling Disposition of Saturday Night, or the *Judge's Gravity. — Be that as it may — to shew you that I have nothing revengeful in my Disposition neither bear Malice — I send you the inclosed (which I shou'd have recieved before I went to Town) to make what Use of you please — this from Cap'tn. Inglefield may certain be considered as authentic.

My Love to Graham & his fair Daughter, & believe me always with Truth & Sincerity my dearest Nessy's

affec't. Uncle

  & Friend

    Thos. Pasley.

* Mr. Graham is one of the Judges of the Police.

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