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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 106
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No 106. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood.

Hector — 21st Oct'r. 1792

Yes — my beloved sister I did write you a few Lines on Friday (in Answer to the dear Letter you sent me) which you ought to have recieved e'er you wrote your's of Yesterday brought me this Moment by James — Be no impatient my dearest Girl — for be assured whatever is to be the End of this Business will happen in perfectly good time

What Pleasure does it give me to see that your two last Letters are dictated by an Heart, more than usually elated with the pleasing Hopes of Futurity — Heaven grant they may soon be realized! — but let us not anticipate that Joy which we are by no Means certain will be accomplished, but rest on the safe side: by the Assistance of Hope & by keeping full in View our past Disappointments that arrogant Certainty which is (I must say) too apt to arrive in the human Mind, will be totally subverted — I always like to be prepared for the Worst, for if the worst does happen, 'tis then nothing more than was expected — But on the contrary, if pleasing Ideas only are sanguinely entertained — & not verified — how shocking & insupportable is the truly dreadful Disappointment! —

Return my sincere Thanks to your charming Friend Miss Graham for her remembrance of me & pray offer my respectful Comp'ts — I shall only add at present my most dutiful respects to Mr. Graham — Farewell my Love!

ever your most affec't. Brother

  P: Heywood

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