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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 105
Nessy Heywood to Peter Heywood

No. 105. Miss N. Heywood to Mr. P. Heywood. before rec'g. the Above [Letter No. 104]

Great Russel Street — 20th Octr 1792

What — no Letter to Day my beloved Peter! — I long to know how You received my charming Intelligence of Thursday — but perhaps you think I deserve Punishment for keeping my Joy a whole Day to myself, not considering that I was under an absolute Promise of Secrecy till the Prohibition was taken off by me dear Uncle Pasley — he return'd Yesterday to Sheerness & will remain there till your Arrival in Town (Ah! with what impatience do I wait that Moment!) — but we must not anticipate — Heigho! — what a thing is Happiness! — I am no longer the same Creature — my Thoughts are continually wandering to some Prospect of future Bliss, & dwelling with ever-new Delights on the scenes of Felicity which now open to my View — What then will be the Case when I really embrace my long-lost & longer-lov'd Peter? — I am studying Composure I assure you, & have great Hopes I shall be able to recieve you without entirely losing my senses — Wou'd the Moment were come when I shall be put to the Trial! — it cannot be however for some Days I fear; tho' surely they will be as expeditious as possible for this Confinement is inexpressibly cruel. — Mr. Graham is as much altered as myself since we recieved the good News, & is in such good spirits that 'tis charming to see him. — he desires me to say every thing that Affection & tender solicitude can express & also from my beloved Uncle Pasley I have the Love & best Wishes of a fond Father to you — Maria offers her best Comp'ts & bids me say she is very impatient for your Acquaintance. take Care of your Heart my dear Peter when you see her — she is a sweet lovely Girl I assure you. — Think not my Love I have ever been too busy to write to you — I think of — talk of — see nothing else but you & the charming Inmates of this House — I have only been twice out of it except to walk since my Arrival in Town, & have no Wish nor even Power to enjoy Gaiety till blest with the Brother of my Heart — London is insipid — nay not all the World has a Charm for me till I again embrace him — God bless you both my dear Brother's — be happy — but be assured i cannot be truly so till I tell you by Word of Mouth

how much I am

  your fondly affec't. Sister

    Nessy Heywood

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