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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 104
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 104. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood.

Hector — 19th Octr 1792

How can I describe to my beloved Nessy the Emotions I at this Moment feel on the Perusal of the two most pleasing & acceptable Letters from her which our excellent Friend the good Mr. Delafons brought me — pleasing indeed to one in my situation! — And now I think I may once more take into my Bosom the long-discarded soother Hope — yes — my Sister — 'twou'd as you say be impious to do otherwise after what you have written & sent me! — Accept then my dearest Nessy my sincerest Thanks for being the joyful Messenger of good News — & may all those benevolent Persons who were the Means of administring such balmy Comfort to your long-afflicted Soul, never find the Want of such relief themselves — with the most heartfelt Gratitude my Prayers shall in future be offered up for their Happiness! — Be assured my Nessy, I harbour not one single Fear for my Honor; — my Ideas are, that every Man while he conducts himself as he ought, carries that Treasure in his own Bosom; & my Conscience tells me that I have mine there still. — I therefore value not a rope-yarn the Opinion of a few slanderous and suspicious Individuals or an undeserving & deceived Multitude. — 'tis sufficient for me that I now dare suffer the most pleasing Hopes to occupy the Vacuum which was before in my Heart. — & may God grant they may soon be realized! — Mr. Delafons is just gone ashore to make James as happy as he has me & may the Giver of all Good shower down his Blessings upon him for it! — Make my unbounded Duty & acknowledgements acceptable to my honor'd Uncle & my true Friend Mr. Graham. — I now hope I may for Years to come remain & prove myself my dearest Nessy's most truly faithful

& fondly affec't. Brother

  P: Heywood

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