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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 108
Nessy Heywood to Peter Heywood

No. 108. Miss N. Heywood to Mr. P. Heywood.

Great Russel Street — 22d Oct'r. 1792

Ten thousand Thanks my best beloved Peter for both your last Letters which came this Moment together tho' had the first arrived Yesterday I shou'd have been spared a great deal of Anxiety. — you are become to inexpressibly dear to me that every little Circumstance alarms me for your safety — tho' I must confess it was in this Instance very foolish for I might be certain had any thing happened to give me Uneasiness James wou'd have written. — however I shall now be perfectly easy with respect to your precious Health, & the Composure of your Mind, which I am firmly persuaded no circumstance can possibly disturb — nor will I (if I can avoid it) be impatient for an Event which will crown my Felicity — In short as far as it is in my Power my Love I will assuredly do as you bid me; still however hoping that the Exertions of Patience & self-command may not long be necessary! — My Uncle Pasley sent me to Day a Letter from Cap'tn. Inglefield containing a new & positive Confirmation. — I can't describe Mr. Graham's Joy when he read Cap'tn. Inglefields Letter — he is so happy when he hears any good News of you. — then how much more so when he will be the joyful Messenger of Liberty! — I have not heard from Home these few Days, but they are all well I dare hope for surely the Intelligence I have lately sent ought to make them so. — I direct to James with best Love & twenty Charges to take care of you. — Mr. Graham — the inestimable Mr. Graham says every thing that is generous & affectionate — Be happy my Love in the delightful Assurance that e'er long you will be safe in the Bosom of Friendship & true Felicity, while I dwell with rapture in the thought of soon pressing my lov'd Peter to the faithful Bosom of

his most tenderly

  affectionate Sister

    Nessy Heywood

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