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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 94
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Nessy Heywood

No. 94. Comm'r. Pasley to Miss N. Heywood

Sheerness — 10th Octr 1792

I esteem it my dearest Nessy the highest bad Fortune that we missed each other! — had my good Genius been watchful he wou'd not have suffered me to leave Town till I had had the Happiness of embracing my charming Niece. — Let not Peter complain of my not writing since his Trial. — Alas! what cou'd I write? — his Concerns have been nearest my Heart & you may believe me when I assure you I have been watchful & unweariedly in his service. — To Mr. Grahams Abilities (in support of his Innocence) he stand indebted for the flattering situation he is now in; — & he & all your Family owe him eternal Gratitude — out of Friendship to me, he sacrificed his own Interests to stand forth the Advocate of my Nephew, & he early learnt to be personally interested on his Acquaintance with your Brother — His Heart is warm, & his Disposition friendly & generous — his Abilities & Knowledge in that particular Branch, Naval Court-Martials rendered him of all others the fittest Man in England to conduct your Brothers Trial — he advises right — you must not quit Town till the final result is known of his Majesty's royal Mercy — I will not doubt it — & even then you must not go before I embrace you — I wou'd come to Town directly but I shou'd prefer rather to meet you rejoicing — believe me my dearest Nessy.

with the warmest Affection

  your sincere Friend & Uncle

    Thos. Pasley

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