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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 93
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 93. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Hector — 10th Octr 1792

I have this Moment recieved my dearest Nessy's Letter of Yesterday by my Brother James, who comes on board daily — as you did not mention him in your former one I was a little surprized on Sunday Night when Mr. Lewis informed me that a Brother of mine was in the Wardroom & at the same time ask'd if I wou'd wish to see him — I answered Yes! by all means — He conducted him into his Cabin & on my going to him I am sorry to say that James cou'd not refrain from letting fall some Womanish Tears, but upon recieving a bit of a civil Check from me he soon suppressed them — Oh! my beloved Nessy — what Pleasure did I then enjoy on his assuring me that you were all in perfect Health particularly my dear Mother! I was very easy before, but now — I am quite happy; for it was Fear alone respecting her which made me entertain one anxious Thought — James you know does not much like Writing, & I with greater Pleasure than ever take upon me that Employment, as I am now by no Means diffident of my dear Sister's being able to bear with Fortitude whatever I may have to say. — The good Mr. Delafons has just left me & James will wait on him tomorrow & make some faint Acknowledgements for the almost paternal Kindnesses he has shown me. — I beg my dear Nessy will write only on such subjects as are pleasing to herself, & be under no Apprehension of disturbing my Tranquility, for I have almost the Presumption to flatter myself that no Account respecting my own future Fate can rob me of it. — Wou'd to Heaven the Minds of all my dear Friends were as contentedly serene as mine is at this Moment; tis that alone disturbs me! — But Time & Patience can subdue anything — then why not this? — It certainly can; & if such its Efficacy, I know my Nessy will strive to cherish such a sentiment. — Lord Hood set off from hence Yesterday for Town, so that I hope a few Days will bring this Business to some kind of Issue, but I imagine nothing will transpire till the Day — however Thanks be to God I am passing well prepared for any Information which will close the present disgusting Scene of —— but I can give it no name! — My best respects to the generous Mr. Graham and believe me with the most refined Love

my dear Nessy's

  unalterably affec't. Brother

    P: Heywood

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