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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 95
Nessy Heywood to Lord Chatham

No. 95. Miss N. Heywood to Lord Chatham.

Great Russel Street 11th Octr 1792

My Lord.

To a Nobleman of your Lordship's known Humanity & Excellence of Heart, I dare hope that the Unfortunate cannot plead in vain — deeply impressed as I therefore am with sentiments of the most profound respect for a Character which I have been ever taught to revere, & alas! nerely interested as I must be in the subject of these Lines, may I request your Lordship will generously pardon a sorrowful & mourning Sister for presuming to offer the * enclosed to your candid Perusal — it contains a few Observations made by my unfortunate & most tenderly beloved Brother Peter Heywood & endeavouring to elucidate some Parts of the Evidence given at the Court-Martial held at Portsmouth upon himself & other Prisoners of H.M.S. Bounty — when I assure you my Lord that he is dearer & more precious to me than any Object on Earth — nay — infinitely more valuable than even Life itself — that, deprived of him, the Word Misery wou'd but ill express my complicated Wretchedness — & that on his Fate, my own (& shall I not add, that of a tender,

* Page 287

fond, & alas! widowed Mother depends,) I am persuaded you will not wonder nor be offended that I am thus bold in conjuring your Lordship will consider with your usual Candor and Benevolence the Observations I now offer to you, as well as the painful Situation of my dear & unhappy Brother.

I have the Honor to be

  with the highest respect

    My Lord

      your Lordships

        most obedient

          & most hbl Serv't.

            Nessy Heywood

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