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Revised 2011-08-25

Heywood Manuscript Note re: Nessy Heywood

On reading the above Letters, Mrs. Heywood's Friends (for the Situation of her Mind rendered her almost incapable of thinking) judged it improper to hesitate a Moment in accepting Mr. Graham's generous Proposal Oct 1, 1792 & determined that Miss N. Heywood shou'd go to England without Delay — On Monday the 1st of Oct'r. therefore while at Breakfast she was informed that a small fishing Boat wou'd sail for Liverpool in half an Hour — & as her Impatience to be near her beloved & most unfortunate Brother cou'd only be equalled by her Distress on his Account, she seized the Opportunity (with a contrary Wind & very bad Weather) of flying to him. — After her Departure Mrs. Heywood recieved the following Letter from her Son. —

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