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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 81
Aaron Graham to Dr. Patrick Scott

No. 81. A. Graham Esq'r. to Dr. Scott.

London – 24th Sepr 1792

Sir -

Finding there wou'd be some Delay in Mr. Heywood's Business & that my own required my personal Attendance in London, I left Portsmouth on Saturday after having seen my young Friend (who was then very well) & given such Directions about him as cannot fail to procure for him every necessary Attendance, & a constant supply of every thing he can possibly want during my Absence, — He is treated with the utmost Tenderness by Captn Montague (who is an Acquaintance of mine) & all the Officers of the Ship; — & I beg you will believe that his situation altogether is made as comfortable to him as the Nature of Circumstances will possibly admit of. — The Instant the Pardon comes to the Admiralty I shall be made acquainted with it, & will set off directly for Portsmouth where I shall stay but a very few Hours, & then return with him again to my House in Town — of which I shall take Care to inform you by the earliest Opportunity —

I remain — Sir — very faithfully

    your ob't. hbl serv't.

      A: Graham

P:S: I have a Letter this Inst. from Portsmouth acquainting me that our Friend was Well Yesterday.

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