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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 70
Colonel James Holwell to Peter Heywood

No. 70. Col. Holwell to Mr. P. Heywood.

Southbro' – Sep'r. 12th 1792

Your last informs us my dear Peter that this is to be the awful Day! — which we have no Doubt will restore you spotless to Society, & to the Arms of your disconsolate relations & Friends, nevertheless your Aunt, as well as myself cannot help feeling somewhat triste, on the Approach of this interesting Day; not a Moment of which shall we cease to implore that Power, who has so miraculously preserved you hitherto, to continue his Goodness, & support you through the Hour of Trial! — when you are at Liberty I hope you will let us embrace you in your Way to the Island — had my Health permitted I shou'd surely have been now with you, & wou'd have brought you to our little Cott. — when you have made up your Mind your road lies thus — &c

Adieu my dear Nephew in the blessed Hope of seeing you soon well & immaculate, I remain with our united Love,

your affectionate Uncle

  & sincere Friend

    J: Holwell.

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