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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Note re: 17-24 Sep 1792

Sep 17, 1792
Sep 24, 1792

From the 17th Sep'r. till the 24th Mrs. Heywood & her Family were prevented by the contrary Winds, (which precluded all Communication with England) from having any further Account — but fondly flattered themselves with everything being most happily concluded — When on Monday Evening [the 24th] while indulging these pleasing Hopes, a little Boy the son of one of their particular Friends ran into the room & told them in the most abrupt Manner that the Trial was over, & all the Prisoners condemned! — but, that Peter was recommended to Mercy, — he added that a Man whose name he mentioned had told him — the Man was sent for, questioned, & replied, he had seen it in a Newspaper in Liverpool, from which Place he was just arrived in a small fishing Boat — but had forgot to bring the Paper with him! — In this State of dreadful Uncertainty this wretched Family remained another whole Week harrassed by Agonies of Mind which no Language can express — for during all that Time the Wind continued contrary & the Packet still remained at Whitehaven — Mr. Ja's. Heywood had a few Days before gone again to Liverpool & on Thursday Night the following Letter was received from him. —

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