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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 68
Peter Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 68. Mr. P. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood

Hector – Sepr. 11th 1792

Sep 6, 1792
Sep 8, 1792
If I had received my dear Mothers Letter of the 6th I shou'd not have written — but yet 'tis as well to do so because I have something to say that will give you Pleasure tho' — my Trial is not yet over — On Saturday 8th Mr. Graham came on board to see me & brought a Letter from my generous Uncle Pasley — the next Day he came again accompanied by Mr. Const — with them I had a private Conference by Captn Montague's Permission, & from what Information I had the Happiness to recieve, I have every reason (as may you my dear Mother) to look forward with the most pleasing Hopes of — I need not — indeed I shou'd not say much to you my dearest Mother on so tender a subject but let it suffice to tell you. —

The awful Day of Trial now draws nigh

When I shall see another Day — or — die!

My next will give you either good News or bad — therefore I know my dear Mother will, with the Fortitude & resignation of a true Christian prepare herself for either — methinks this Hint is sufficient. — let me then request my beloved Parent will endeavour to attain that tranquil Serenity of Mind which now is thank God! possessed by her dutiful Son from a Trust in that Providence who alone has & ever will he doubts not continue to watch o'er him with paternal Care. — tell my Sisters to set taut the Topping-lifts of their Hearts from an Assurance that with God's Assistance all will yet end well! — Adieu my beloved Mother Love to all & Hope.

your truly dutiful

  & most filially affec't. Son

    P: Heywood

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