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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 67
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Peter Heywood

No. 67. Commr. Pasley to Mr. P. Heywood

London – Sepr. 6th 1792

My dearest Peter.

This will be delivered you by my very particular Friend Mr. Graham, of whose Abilities I have the highest Opinion; – & trust your Cause to him, with a Confidence I shou'd hardly have done to any man in England — the whole Bar of Council not excepted.

I request you my dear young Friend to place your perfect Confidence in him, — & follow implicitly his Advice. — It is impossible to know all that may be brought forth, but so far as we do know, I have every reason to think you may look forward with pleasing Hopes. — I refer you to my Friend Mr. Graham for Information — Your Council seems a sensible clever young Man — but my Dependance is on Graham. — if he had not been so kind as to offer me his Services in this (for which I shall esteem myself for ever obliged to him) I wou'd have at all Events attended myself — he sets off this Night as does the Council tho' I do not think your Trial will come on before Monday — God grant I may hear soon of your honorable Acquittal, it will believe me rejoice the Heart of your most affect. Uncle

Thos. Pasley

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