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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 66
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Nessy Heywood

No. 66. Commr. Pasley to Miss N. Heywood.

London Sepr. 6th 1792

I set off for Town my dearest Nessy the Moment Lieut. Hayward arrived Sep 11, 1792 — all the Evidences left Town early this Morning & the Trial will most probably take Place about Monday 11th. — I shall say nothing of what I expect the result may be, but at present Appearances are favorable & I wou'd wish you to keep up all your Spirits.

last Night I had a Meeting with Mr. Const (at his Chambers) & my Friend Mr. Graham who will write you the earliest Moment possible from Portsmouth — this Gentleman is an intimate & very particular Friend of mine & has (tho' I know attended with great inconveniences to himself) voluntarily offered his services, which I most joyfully accepted knowing his uncommon Abilities — happier & my Mind more at Ease by his Attendance than I cou'd have been from the first Council in England — I have myself witnessed his astonishing Cleverness in conducting Trials of this sort — Mr. Const seems a sensible Man & may be of much Use assisted by Graham — My Love to your Mama & all the Family — God grant you may soon hear favorable Accounts of the result — I shall myself be most unhappy till I hear it! —

My dearest Nessy

  your truly faithful

    & affectionate Uncle

      Thos. Pasley

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