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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 65
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 65. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood.

Hector – Sepr 6th 1792

Aug 31, 1792
Sep 14, 1792
Sep 15, 1792
My dearest Nessy's Letter of the 31st. arrived this Morning, & in Answer I am sorry to say the Day of Trial is not yet fixed nor have I even a Hope of the first Day being over before the 14th. or 15th. —

Pardon me my Love for what you call an Accusation in yours. be assured I meant nothing more in saying you flattered me than a little jocular Admonition to which I was prompted by a conscious Unworthiness of those Praises you bestow on me from a most unbounded Affection — believe me I never once entertained a Thought of its being Flattery in you, but the real Dictates of a Heart fraught with the utmost Tenderness & Integrity — And so you are surprized I am not taller? – eh! Nessy? — let me ask you this — suppose the two last years of your Growth had been retarded by close confinement, nearly deprived of all kinds of necessary Aliment — shut up from the all-chearing Light of the Sun for the space of five Months — & never suffered to breathe the fresh Air — (an Enjoyment which Providence denies to none of his Creatures) during all that Time — & without any kind of Exercise to stretch & supple my Limbs — besides many other Inconveniences which I will not pain you by mentioning — how tall shou'd you have been my Dear? — Answer — "Four Feet Nothing" — but enough of Nonsense — Adieu my dearest Love — with kind remembrances to all I remain

yours most affectionately

    Peter Heywood

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