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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 64
Peter Heywood to Mary Heywood

No. 64. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss Heywood

Hector – Sepr 5th 1792

I will write a few Lines to my dear Sister Mary, because I can now tell her for certain that Lieut. Hayward is arrived at last, as I have just had a Letter from my much honor'd & ever to be respected Uncle Pasley, Sep 3, 1792 who tells me that he arrived at Sheerness on the 3d. Inst. & that he is going up to London with Hayward purposely to hear what he has to say. — & Mr. Delafons was with me just now to inform me that Capt. Edwards of the Pandora is to be down here Tomorrow or next Day to wait his Trial, when his is finished ours will soon follow & Mr. Delafons says that I shall know Tomorrow or next Day, the exact Day when it is to commence, which when I do know, I think I had better not inform you of it, as no Doubt it will throw you into a very painful situation of Anxiety & Suspense – therefore I know my dearest Mary will content herself to know that the Day is at Hand, which will decide the Fate of a Brother, who only requests that she & all his Sisters, dear Mother, & Brothers will endeavour to enjoy the same Contentment & Serenity of Mind, & continue in as good Spirits, as he at this Moment enjoys, & which proceeds solely from a Hope that with God's Assistance he will e'er long regain his injured Character & reputation, & return with Joy to the Bosom of Friendship, Love, & fraternal Affection. — With Duty to my dear Mother, Uncle Heywood &c — & Love to my dearest Sisters, Brothers & Cousins, & respectful Comp'ts. to Dr. Scott &c I remain for ever my dearest Mary's

truly affectionate

  & most faithful Brother

    Peter Heywood

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