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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 61
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Peter Heywood

No. 61. Commr. Pasley to Mr. P. Heywood.

Sheerness – Augst 26th 1792

My dear Sir.

Aug 22, 1792
Aug 3, 1792
I am favor'd with your Letter of the 22d. & in Answer dare venture to assure you that Mr. Beardsworth's Intelligence as to the Time of the Court-martial taking place must be ill-founded — Although the ship Mr. Hayward is in was spoke off the Isle of Wight the 3d. he is not yet arrived in England. – the other Sloop of War is at Harwich under Orders to proceed with him & his People immediately to Sheerness on their Arrival. — I have then Orders to send her round with all the Pandora's to Portsmouth, & to send Cole your late Boatswain Passenger in her as an Evidence on your Trial — the Master & other Officers are ordered by Land — I have Orders likewise to send Hayward to London — so that the Trial cannot take place without my knowing it — I am glad Erskine & Mingay are not retained, & am almost sorry Const is; as Sea Officers have a great Aversion to Council. — A Friend of mine, Mr. Graham who has been Secretary to the different Admirals on the Newfoundland Station for these twelve Years (consequently Judge Advocate at Court-martials all that Time,) has offered me to attend you. — he has a thorough Knowledge of the Service, uncommon Abilities & is a very good Lawyer — he conducted Cap'tn. P – – –'s Court-martial who wou'd have been broke unassisted by him — his Defence written by Mr. Graham was a masterly Piece of Penmanship. — ask Delafons or any of the Officers you converse with, they all know Graham's Abilities — He has already had most of the Evidences with him, and I am to meet him with Hayward in Town when he arrives. — Adieu my young Friend — keep up your Spirits, & rest assured I shall be watchful for your Good — my Heart will be more at Ease if I can get my Friend Graham to go down than if you were attended by the first Council in England. — believe me always with Friendship and Affection

your Uncle

  Thos. Pasley

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