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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 60
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 60. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Hector – Augst 23d 1792.

Aug 17, 1792 My dearest Nessy's of the 17th I have this Moment received, & have also Information from Mr. Beardsworth that Mr. Erskine & Mr. Mingay are not retained for me but a Mr. Const. The Contrast as my dear Girl observes betwixt the past & present is great & let us hope e'er many Weeks it will be much greater! — I am glad you like the Piece of Poetry I was going to say — & which your Partiality dignifies with the Name of a Poem — but dont imagine I am to believe all you say — you flatter me Nessy, more than I can ever deserve, — return my most affectionate Thanks to Eliza for making my Cravats with her own dear Hair & assure her I shall wear them with ten-fold Pleasure for it. — Ah! Nessy how much do I thank the unparrelleled Goodness of Dr. Scott for his daily Proofs of Friendship! — but I entertain too mean an Opinion of my own Merit to think I deserve such Encomiums — give my dutiful respects to him; 'tis all I have to offer him at present! — I have as yet no authentic Intelligence when the Trial will be — Lord Hood returned from London last night & his Flag was hoisted this Morning, so I shall daily expect to receive certain Information: — when I do, I shall not I think inform you of the exact Day on which my Fate is to be determined, as it wou'd throw you into the most painful state of anxious suspense, therefore let it suffice my dear Nessy to know that it is not far off — that I am perfectly well & hope.

I shall only desire you my Love to chear up the spirits of my dear Parent — my Duty to her & love to my Brothers & Sisters — & be assured I entertain not the most distant Fear of being restored to my dearest Nessy as her

truly affectionate

  & ever faithful Brother

    Peter Heywood

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