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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 59
Peter Heywood to Mary Heywood

No. 59. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss Heywood

Hector Augst 22d 1792

My dear Sister Mary.

Aug 17, 1792
Aug 17, 1792
The last Letters I received from Home were two on Friday the 17th. Inst. from Eliza & Nessy — the latter in one of hers informed me that Erskine & Mingay, were both actually retained, but I have not heard a Word concerning it yet from my Uncle Pasley — I think it is almost Time as the Day for the Court-martial cannot now be far off — Indeed I can scarce now think they will attend, the Time for the Trial being so uncertain, & as this Time of the year too is, when they must attend the Circuits. — On the 17th too I received another Letter from Mr. Beardsworth who says — "I have this Moment received a Letter from the Admiralty which says — "Upon Enquiry respecting the Time of the Court-martial upon the Mutineers to be held I am informed it will not take Place till Lord Hood, who is expected in Town this Day (17th Inst.) returns to Portsmouth, which may not happen for a Week or ten Days" — "I shall know most probably on Monday, when the Order for the court-martial, will go down, of which you shall have the earliest Intelligence: I will take Care to engage a Council to assist you at your Trial. — I am yours &c &c Jno Beardsworth."

Mr. Spranger paid me a Visit Yesterday & desired I wou'd send his Comp'ts. to you all — he did not seem much to approve of having Erskine & Mingay, deeming it a needless & very great Expence — But if they really are to act my Part in my Defence it is high Time for them to make some Enquiry into my Conduct (as Mr. Beardsworth hath done) that they may know what they must have to depend upon. — I shall certainly hear from them, or my Uncle Pasley tomorrow as I am inclined to imagine from what Intelligence I can glean, that the Beginning of next Week will bring the affair to a Crisis.

I have no News my dearest Sister to amuse you with, therefore will only desire you to give my sincere Duty to my Mother my Love to my Sisters, Brothers, & Cousins &c &c.

& believe me my ever dear Sister to be

  & truly affectionate Brother

    Peter Heywood

P:S: I wrote to my Uncle Holwell & Dr. Scott last Saturday. —

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