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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 58
Colonel James Holwell to Peter Heywood

No. 58. Col. Holwell to Mr. P. Heywood

Southbro' Tunbridge 21st Augst 92

My very dear Peter.

I have this Day received yours of the 18th & am happy to find by its Contents that notwithstanding your long & cruel Confinement you still preserve your Health & write in good Spirits — preserve it my dear Boy, awful as the approaching Period must be even to the most innocent, but from which all who know you have not a Doubt of your rising as immaculate as a new-born Infant. — I have known you from your Cradle, & have often marked with Pleasure & Surprize the many Assiduous Instances (far beyond your Years) you have given of filial Duty & fraternal Affection to the best of Parents & to Brothers & Sisters who doted on you. Your Education has been the best; & from these Considerations alone without the very clear Evidence of your own Testimony, I wou'd as soon believe that the Archbishop of Canterbury wou'd set fire to the City of London, as suppose you cou'd directly or indirectly join in such a d—d absurd piece of Business. — truly sorry am I that my state of Health will not permit me to do down to Portsmouth, to give this Testimony publicly before that respectable Tribunal where your Country's Laws have justly ordained you must appear: But consider this as the Touch-stone my dear Boy by which your Worth must be known. — Six Years in the Navy myself & twenty eight Years a Soldier, I flatter myself my Judgment will not prove erroneous; that Power my dear Peter of whose Grace & Mercy you seem to have so just a sense will not now forsake you. — Your dear Aunt is, as must be expected in such a trying situation, but more from your present sufferings than any Apprehension of what is to follow — she & all your Cousins present sincerest Love — let me know as soon as possible when the Court-martial is to be, & who are the Members. — with Prayers for your Health

thine affectionately

    J: Holwell.

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