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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 62
Dr. Patrick Scott to Peter Heywood

No. 62. Dr. Scott to Mr. P. Heywood

Isle of Man Augst. 27th. 1792

My dear young Friend.

Aug 19, 1792 I was favored with your's of the 19th & it gave me true Satisfaction to know you are bearing up under a Load of Misfortunes, with that true Magnanimity of Mind which ever attends on the Innocent, with the resignation becoming a Christian, & accompanied by a Fortitude rarely to be met with at your Years. —

Wou'd to Heaven! it were in my Power to offer you Consolation under your great Trial, or that anything cou'd fall from my Pen which wou'd in the least alleviate your sufferings! however my dear Sir let me admonish you to keep up your Spirits & be assured you have my warmest Wishes that your Misfortunes may be brought to a speedy & happy Conclusion. — From the good Opinion I always formed of your Character, I have ever considered you innocent of the Crime that has been laid to your Charge; & although some Appearances might be against you, yet the unprejudiced Mind acts upon firmer Principles than to be biassed by foul-mouthed Calumny or evil report: on these Grounds you have, & ever had, my good Opinion — Consider then what a glorious Triumph will be yours, when cleared of every Aspersion that now gives you Pain, Liberty will become doubly dear to you by having (undeservedly too) experienced Bondage; — The Joy & affectionate Congratulations of your worthy Family & Friends, are Prospects which I trust will have their due Weight in helping to support you in your present calamitous Circumstances; & independent of these private Blessings, may a full & adequate Compensation be made you by your King & impartial Judges in the Line of your Profession, which I doubt not will be the case; – with what double relish will you then enjoy Prosperity, who have undergone so much the reverse!—that the Time may not be far distant when my Hopes in your Favor will be fully realized, is I entreat you to believe

the sincere Wish

  of my dear young Friend

    yours most cordially

      Patrick Scott.

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