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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 49
Peter Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 49. Mr. P. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood

Hector – Aug'st. 3d. – 1792

As I am desired my dear Mother to say little, I shall only conjure you to make yourself as easy as you can on my Account, when I assure you of my Health & Spirits which improve every Day, & I am as comfortable in my present Situation as my close Confinement will admit of, — Tell Nessy that I have bought a Box of Colours & Drawing Implements & will endeavour to accomplish what she desired me — I cant expect to be successful, but I wou'd make an Attempt at the greatest Impossibility if I thought it wou'd afford any Enjoyment to so charming & unparallelled a Girl — & not for her alone but for all my other Sisters — this Moment Mr. Lewis the Lieut. of Marines came to me purposely to acquaint me with what he thought wou'd give me Pleasure, [(]for kind & obliging indeed are all the Officers to me that I shall never be able to shew myself grateful enough for their Goodness.) — I know it will please you equally, & is nothing less than that the Dutch Indiaman in which Mr. Hayward is a Passenger was spoken with Yesterday off the Isle of Wight, bound up Channel to Holland, so that a Week longer will bring him over to England. — thank God for this good News! the return of the Fleet only will occasion any further Delay. I shall conclude this happy Intelligence with subscribing myself my dearest Mother's

most obedient

  & truly dutiful Son

    Peter Heywood

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