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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 48
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 48. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Hector – Aug'st. 3d – 1792

My dearest Nessy

Jul 28, 1792 I have just now had the Pleasure of a Letter from you & one from my hon'd. Mother, both of the 28th. the Letter enclosing the Certificates of my Birth which are perfectly right — I yesterday wrote to my Brother Henry; poor little Fellow! I wonder how he likes his new Profession — I desired him to look to you for Information of what has happened to me since I left Home, & how I came back (for as I imagine he will soon be in Douglas you can afford him that painful Pleasure) contenting myself with assuring him that I am still alive & in the most perfect Health — if purging the Blood in all Climates & living upon very low Diet can add to it, I have most certainly had my share of it. — You know I am obliged to write short Letters — therefore Adieu my dear, with Love, Duty &c most tenderly from

your most truly aff't. Brother

    Peter Heywood.

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