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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 47
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No 47. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Hector – July – 31st. 1791

My dearest Nessy.

I had this Morning the Pleasure of your last, & am glad you liked the Sketches I sent you of the Pandora. I cou'd not help laughing heartily at the request you made, to draw my own picture — With what Pleasure wou'd I do any thing in my Power to afford my Nessy even a momentary Happiness, but that is a Part of the Art which I never attempted, & am conscious that my insignificant Abilities are by no Means equal to the most distant Likeness of a Phyz [physiognomy?] — (And in Fact I have not one Pencil, nor any Colours, they being all lost in Endeavour Straits with about eighty Drawings, besides my little All of Property.) but wait a while & (with God's Assistance) I will present you with the Original. — Ah! my dear Nessy, what Tranquility of Mind do I feel in thinking that my Uncle Pasley, Mr. Heywood & all my best Friends still consider me as not altogether unworthy their powerful Patronage & Attention! — I can only for the present say that it shall be my first & constant Study to deserve their Friendship — I have not yet received the Parcel you sent me, nor am I in absolute want of the Contents; yet I wish it was here, for I do not like to trespass upon the uncommon Goodness of Mrs. Bertie by giving her the smallest unnecessary Trouble, & wou'd rather put myself to any Inconvenience than do it.

I thank you my dearest Girl for your News of the Place where I first drew Breath — I am truly sorry to hear of Mr. Bacons Misfortunes — Alas! we must all feel them more or less; & I am now thoroughly convinced that he who experiences most Jul 22, 1792 is in the End (with a few proviso's) the happiest Man! — I desire you will take no Notice of that foolish Letter I wrote you on the 22d. — I was rather in low Spirits at the Time, but I am now ashamed of having betrayed so unbecoming & womanly a Weakness — Adieu my Love — remember me to all I love & respect as

your most aff't. Brother

    Peter Heywood

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