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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 46
Peter Heywood to Mrs. Elizabeth Heywood

No. 46. Mr. P. Heywood to Mrs. Heywood

Hector – 31st. July – 1792

My dear & much honor'd Mother.

I have this Day a Letter from my Uncle Pasley, in answer to mine requesting his Advice with respect to the retention of Erskine & Mingay as Council, which with his usual Paternal Goodness he gives me in these Words, — "The Opinion Mr. Delafons has given you is sensible & judicious, & I perfectly acquiesce in it — Erskine I dont approve of — he is certainly the first Orator at the Bar, but that, at a Naval Court-Martial he cannot exhibit; therefore any sensible sound Lawyer to point out the proper Questions &c, & capable of writing a good Defence will answer the Purpose just as well — however there is full Time to enquire & consult in this Affair, as I am sorry to inform you that the Trial (even when Lieut. Hayward arrives, for whom it now waits) cannot take Place till Lord Hood returns into Port, as it is fixed that he is to sit as President."

I am happy to hear of poor Henry's Arrival & shall write to him tomorrow — I know it will encrease his Happiness. —

I mentioned the Advice I have received from a most kind Friend, not to be too frequent in my Epistles to you my dear Mother, or any of my relations, & being conscious of the rectitude & Utility of such a Step, I must be under the disagreeable necessity of following it — but be assured I shall always communicate whatever may give you Ease of Mind, which ever was, & shall be the constant Endeavour.

of my dear Mother

  your truly dutiful

    & obedient Son

      Peter Heywood

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