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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 45
Eliza Heywood to Peter Heywood

No. 45. Miss E. Heywood to Mr. P. Heywood

Isle of Man – 31st – July – 1792

A thousand Thanks to my beloved Brother for the few Lines he was so obliging as to write to me, & tho' they gave me exquisite Pleasure yet I shou'd have willingly excused them, as I know your Time is too much taken up with Things more material, therefore do not my Love trouble yourself to answer this; I shall be perfectly satisfied if I read any Letter from you, & I dont care who it is directed to; — I beg Pardon for expressing myself too warmly at the Happiness we shou'd have in Meeting — I own it was wrong, & premature; I believe a little of your Misfortunes wou'd have taught one Patience & resignation, which I am afraid I want in a very great Degree, & wou'd have done me a great deal of Good; for I am not much of a Philosopher; — I hope however to have a few Lectures from you, & I am sure there is no Person more capable of giving them. — My Mama, Mary, & Nessy, will write to you this Packet, therefore you shall not have too much of my Nonsense for they can express themselves much better than I am capable of. — Now I beg my dear Peter you will not fatigue yourself by writing to me unless you happen to have an Hour you dont know what to do with; & I was only joking when I said I shou'd be jealous for I am sure we have all a large share of your Affection — Heaven grant I may always deserve it, — Oh! Peter, how often do I think of the pleasant Hours you & I have spent together! we were so near of an Age that we were always play-fellows, & we shall I hope have some happy Days yet me I assure you I never fail to pray for it every Night & Morning, — Adieu my dearest Brother —

your affectionate Sister

  E: Heywood

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