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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 50
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 50. Mr. P. Heywood to Miss N. Heywood

Hector – Aug't. – 4th – 1792

With this scrap my beloved Nessy I send you an Attempt I this Morning made to draw my own beautiful Picture (dont laugh at it, for you desired it,[)] & it is my first Attempt in that Way; — I had no looking Glass, therefore drew it from recollection; & 'tis now one Year at least since I saw my own Face. — With these Disadvantages you cannot expect a striking resemblance — however if the Face is not like, the Dress is just what I now wear, & the Position such as I generally sit in either reading, writing or drawing. — The Straw Hat, I made myself in the Dutch Indiaman (from Batavia to the Cape) to pass away the tedious Hours of Confinement, & in my present situation is much lighter than a black one. — it is done very ill, as the Light I have is very bad, being not only horizontal, but rather below the Table upon which I draw it — I dont think myself there is any resemblance — besides the Face is too full, for I assure you I am very long Visaged & thin at present, but I hope when I have the Pleasure of seeing you I shall look better. — Give my Love & Duty to all Friends particularly my dear Brothers & Sisters, & believe that I shall ever be to them, & to you my Nessy

a most faithful

  & truly aff't. Brother

    Peter Heywood

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