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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 37
Mary, Eliza & Nessy Heywood to Peter Heywood

No 37. Miss Heywood to Mr. P. Heywood

Isle of Man July 17th. 1792

How can I sufficiently thank you my dearest & most beloved Boy for your kind Attention in remembering me when I shou'd have been the first to welcome you on your Arrival in England; 'tis as impossible for you to conceive as for me to express the Pleasure & satisfaction we felt on receipt of your several Letters. James had your Favor by the same Packet which brought mine. — What infinite Obligations are we under my dearest Peter to Mr. Heywood & his amiable Daughter Mrs. Bertie — to her kind Care & maternal Attention you owe the reestablishment of your precious Health, that Blessing without which there is no real Enjoyment in this Life, & let it be my dear Brother our future study to render ourselves deserving of, tho' it will be impossible to repay such Friendship. — God grant your Innocence may be, by your Acquittal speedily known to the World — I never for a Moment doubted it, nor, if it was in the smallest Degree suspected, wou'd you my dear Boy be sustained & supported by so many Friends, who I am convinced will do every thing in their Power for you. — How anxiously do we all wish for the Time when we shall have the inexpressible Happiness of embracing you in the Isle of Man — may that period be very, very near & may that Almighty Providence which has hitherto preserved you, watch over & protect you at the awful Moment of Trial! — My Mama, Brothers, & Sisters join in most Affectionate Love, & ardent Wishes for your Safety — that you my beloved Boy may have a speedy End to all your Difficulties & Distresses, & be again restored to your adoring Family is the unceasing Prayer of your most

sincere Friend

  & fondly attached Sister

    Mary Heywood

Miss Eliza Heywood in the same Letter —

How extremely happy wou'd my beloved Brother make me if when he has Time, he wou'd favor me with a few Lines, I assure you I shou'd be quite proud of the Honor, as you have wrote to Mary, James, & Nessy my Turn must come next or I shall be jealous. — Heaven grant we may soon embrace you in the Island! you may expect to be almost suffocated with Caresses for the first Week — Adieu — take great Care of you Health, & keep up your Spirits my dear Peter, — your affectionate

and faithful Sister

    Eliza Heywood

Miss Nessy Heywood in the same —

For me there is no room left but to say that his faithful & affectionate Nessy sends ten thousand Blessings, the best Heaven can bestow, & every Wish that Love and Friendship can dictate to her best beloved Brother Peter.

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