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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 36
Peter Heywood to Nessy Heywood

No. 36. Mr. P: Heywood to Miss N. Heywood.

Hector July 17th: 1792

My dearest Nessy.

Jul 9, 1792
Jul 12, 1792
I wrote a Letter to you Yesterday & this Morning received from Mrs. Bertie yours of the 9th. & 12th. & from whom, as the Edgar is the next Ship to this, I receive daily such Marks of Kindness as overwhelm me with Obligations, & I fear I shall never be able to shew myself altogether worthy of them! — I feel myself highly indebted to Dr. Scott, Mr. Southcote, & all my other Friends for their benevolent solicitude about me particularly my Cousin Nessy to whom & Margaret give my best Love — my dear Uncle Pasley has been indefatigable: My God! how shall I ever be able to prove myself worthy such a Multiplicity of Kindnesses. I can at present but insipidly return Thanks for them, yet my Heart overflows with the most dutiful Gratitude! — Nothing my beloved Nessy cou'd give me more Pain than your Arrival here notwithstanding my Wishes to embrace you — 'tis for your dear Sake only, as the Disappointment wou'd occasion you an Anxiety, greater than at Present you can have the least Idea of — for you have not yet experienced the severe Pain of such a restriction — to me alas! it is quite familiar! my Love, Duty & kind remembrances to my dear Mother, Brother's, & Sisters &c from your's my dearest Sister ever

with the fondest Affection

    Peter Heywood

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