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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 33
Joseph Wood to Peter Heywood

No. 33. Mr. Wood to Mr. P. Heywood

Whitehaven 15th. July 1792

My dear young Friend.

I enclose at Mrs. Heywoods request a register of your Baptism, & hope as I have the fullest Belief in your Innocence to see you after your Acquittal in Whitehaven. — I rejoice to hear you are in Health; you must reconcile yourself to the Want of Liberty for a little Time: — I am joined by all ranks of People here, in the Idea that the Laws of our Country will restore you to your valuable Friends & Acquaintances, but to none will that Event give more Pleasure than to him who once had the Honor of superintending your studies & now subscribes himself with the most perfect Esteem my dear Sir

your very affectionate

    humble Servant

      Jos. Wood.

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