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Revised Jun 6 2021

Heywood Manuscript Letter No. 34
Commodore Thomas Pasley to Nessy Heywood

No. 34. Comm'dr. Pasley to Miss N. Heywood

Sheerness July 15th. 1792

I received your Letter my dearest Nessy with the Enclosure (your Brother's Narrative) bur did not chuse to answer it till I had made a thorough Investigation — that is, seen personally all the principal Evidences, which has ever since occupied my whole Thoughts & Time. — I have also had some Letters from himself, & notwithstanding he must still continue in Confinement, every Attention & Indulgence possible is granted him. — Captain Montague of the Hector is my particular Friend. — I have no Doubt of the Truth of your Brother's Narrative — the Master, Boatswain, Gunner, and Carpenter, late of the Bounty, I have seen, & have the Pleasure to assure you that they are all favorable & corroborate what he says. — that Fellow Captain Edwards whose inhuman rigor of Confinement I shall never forget, I have likewise seen — he cannot deny that Peter avowed himself late of the Bounty when he came on board. — this is a favorable Circumstance — I have been at the Admiralty & read over all the Depositions taken & sent Home by Bligh & his Officers from Batavia. — likewise the Court-Martial on himself — in none of which appears any thing against Peter. — As soon as Lieu't. Hayward arrives with the remainder of the Pandora's Crew the Court-Martial is to take place — I shall certainly attend, & we must have an able Counsellor to assist. — for I will not decieve you my dear Nessy however favorable Circumstances may appear, our Martial Law is severe. — by the Tenor of it, the Man who stands neuter is equally guilty with him who lifts his Arm against his Captain in such Cases. — his extreme Youth & his delivering himself up are the strong points of his Defence. you must send over well attested Copies from the register of his Birth, in which I hope he will appear as young as you say. — send them under Cover to me — Adieu my dearest Nessy, present my Love to your Mother and Sisters and rest assured of my utmost Exertions to extricate your Brother.

your truly faithful Friend

  & most affectionate Uncle

    Tho's. Pasley.

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